It’s been a while…


So it’s clearly been some time since I last posted.

I guess shortly after setting this all up again I got sidetracked with all sorts , not least the Covid-19 pandemic that hit, despite my best intentions and all those posts about vision and well everything else I was just simply not in the right place to create content or try something new, albeit for the second time. I was one of the unfortunate early ones contracying Covid-19 in mid-March 2020 and being basically asleep foe 2 weeks, taking a further several to resume any normal routine.

But after not 1, but 2, lockdowns I guess it has given us all some time for reflection.

I guess it all just got a little too much. As the year is now drawing to a close I sit here and review what could have been and although a lot was achieved I wish I had done more in writing on this very site and creating content I hope you may find useful in weeks, months, and years to come.

I certainly took some time out and decided I really want to give this thing a go. I used to absolutely love writing (and reading) and I want to dedicate more time to it. I guess this year I have come to realise what has worked for me for 10+ years just isn’t working anymore and things have changed in a major way with regard to apps, software, personal knowledge management and much much more! I am really looking forward to the new year, new challenges and above all pushing myself and my comfort zone.

The first thing I realise I need to address is that I’ve been relatively unorganised because I’ve been holding on to outdated systems and ideas and need to reassess these first.

I recently read a book by Austin Mckeon called Show Your Work and to say it really opened my eyes is an understatement. In the new year, after some much needed downtime, I can’t wait to get working on this again but this time, with more purpose, direction and clarity about what will come next.

I hope reading this you feel (dare I say it) as optimistic as I am about 2021!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


An ode to all pens


Kindle in Review